Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Change Your Story, Change Your Life begins with an explanatory chapter on how you can transform your life through the power of story. As the author states “Many of us look back and wish that we had spent more time doing what we enjoy and less time doing what we felt we had to do” but feel powerless to change our circumstances.
To change your story you first have to recognise and accept it; then you need wise and compassionate guidance giving tools to empower you to take charge of your own story. Author Carl Greer is a practicing clinical psychologist, Jungian analyst, and shamanic practitioner whose expertise and experience is obvious by the depth of knowledge this book contains. Using Jungian and shamanic techniques Change Your Story, Change Your Life gives methods of accessing the wisdom of your unconscious mind as well as the collective unconscious and Source (Universal Energy, The Divine Creative, God, Goddess) to take charge of our own life.
Change Your Story, Change Your Life takes the reader through several shamanic techniques including journeying, fire ceremonies and creating a despacho as well as techniques taken from Jungian tradition, or from a blend of Jungian and shamanic, such as sand painting, working with dreams and dialoguing. Throughout the book the author describes his own experiences and the conclusions he drew, also giving useful examples from his clients. In chapter three, methods are explained to explore and work with your current story through writing exercises, moving on to writing your new story in chapter four. The final chapters give guidance on how to apply given techniques to ensure you continue to take charge of your story and on how to participate in writing new stories for society.
As with all personal development, you get out what you put in and Change Your Story, Change Your Life is much more than a ‘quick fix’ self-help book, containing a profound range of tools and exercises. Articulate and easily understandable Change Your Story, Change Your Life provides an excellent inspirational guide to personal transformation.
Book Details: Carl Greer. Change Your Story, Change Your Life. Findhorn Press Ltd. (1 May 2014). ISBN-10: 1844094642. ISBN-13: 978-1844094646
Review Details: Change Your Story, Change Your Life was reviewed by June Kent, editor of Indie Shaman magazine.
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