2012 – 2021 The Dawn of the Sixth Sun
What happens on and after 21st December 2012? Sergio Magaña, “Ocelocoyotl”, is a teacher of the Nahuatl tradition, initiated into the 5,000-year-old Toltec or Toltecayotl shamanic lineage of Central Mexico.
In, 2012 – 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun – The Path of Quetzalcoatl , Magaña explains the meaning of the shift from the Fifth to the Sixth Sun and talks about the possibilities this time presents, giving detailed information about ancient teachings preserved in the oral traditions of ancient Mexico.
2012 – 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun is not an easy or quick read but I don’t think it’s intended to be, containing in depth information of teachings, practices, philosophy and prophecy together with an explanation of the mathematics of the cosmos and how this relates to human consciousness and the Mesoamerican calendars.
Book Details: Sergio Magaña Ocelocoyotl 2012 – 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun – The Path of Quetzalcoatl, BlossomingBooks (1 Aug 2012), ISBN: 978-88-96865-06-4.
Review Details: 2012 – 2021, The Dawn of the Sixth Sun – The Path of Quetzalcoatl was reviewed by June Kent, editor of Indie Shaman magazine.
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